Curse The Third Voice Not Your Husband Or Wife in your marital relationship when there is a disagreement or misunderstanding.
The first marriage relationship ever to take place on earth was the marriage between Adam the first Man the LORD God made on earth, and his bride; Eve, whom the LORD God took a rib from the side of the man to form after He put him in a deep sleep.
The shock and surprised look on the face of Adam when he woke up from that deep sleep to behold another being just like him, must have been so glorious because the Scripture tells us that immediately he saw her, he busted out and began to prophesy.
The man said,
“ This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh ;
she shall be called ‘woman,’
for she was taken out of man.”
This explains why a man will leave his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.
Scripture ended Genesis Chapter 2:25 by saying,
“Adam and his wife were both naked and felt no shame.”
They were both open to one another, nothing was hidden between them. Not just their physical body, their finances, friends, and every single part of them. They both felt no shame in seeing each other’s nakedness.
Adam and Eve lived without any jealousy, deception, competition with one another or insecurity.
The newly married couples enjoyed each other’s company, and the company of their maker the LORD God, who usually visit them at the cool of every evening, to have fellowship with the husband and wife.
They had no idea of what it meant to be ashamed.
Oh, what a beautiful fellowship it was between the LORD God, Adam and his Wife in that they had a meeting place and God has never shown up, to fellowship with the couples and they were not there to meet with Him.
Genesis 3 :1 Introduces a new friend in the life of the couple.
This visitor came in as a friend to the Woman
His name is the Serpent.
The Serpent would usually visit the woman in the Garden of Eden their home, and they would have diverse conversations about life in general, God and all.
Adam was the silent listener to their conversations. He usually sits quietly and listens in on the conversation between his wife and the Serpent.
All seemed well with this new friendship of the woman and the Serpent until one day, the Serpent, as usual, visited the couples and while conversing with the woman, whilst her husband sat listening, as usual, asked her a very innocent question.
He asked the woman, “ Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?”
It was indeed an innocent question from her friend the woman thought. He just properly was thinking you know how we feed and all.
But what she did not know, was that there was nothing innocent about that question. Her friend the Serpent did not ask that question because he cared about their welfare, nor did he ask the question with their interest at heart.
He was the enemy of the LORD God, filled with jealousy and bitterness of heart toward them, who came into their home and their midst, to destroy not just their relationship with one another, but also their evening fellowship with the LORD God, and stop every “ Man’’ who will be born on earth through Adam and his wife from enjoying same.
He came disguised as a friend, but he was the enemy.
All these the woman does not know. Innocently she says, “ Of course, we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,” the woman replied. “ It’s only the fruit in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God said, ‘ You must not eat it or even touch it; if you do, you will die .”
Was that what God said?
What did the LORD God say?
And the LORD God commanded (instructed) the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat the tree of knowledge of good and evil, when you eat from it, you will surely die” Genesis 2:16
At this point, one would expect the Man of the house Adam, to raise his voice and speak out and correct the supposed innocent Serpent and his Wife for wrongly saying what God did not say.
After all, he the man of the house was the one the LORD God gave the instruction for his place of Purpose the Garden of Eden and all that is in it.
But he kept quiet, as his manner was.
The Serpent, whom different translations and versions of the Scripture refer to as;
“ More Crafty, Clever, the Shrewdest of the all the creatures the LORD God has made”
seeing the weak link of failed communication of instruction of Purpose between the woman and her husband, and that no valid Word was given to counter his lies and deceit, spit his venom of lies, hissed and replied the woman,
“ You won’t die !”
“ God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.”
The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it, too. Then she gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate it too.
At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves.
Did they die?
Yes, they did.
The woman and her husband did not die the physical death of closing their eyes and laying lifeless, but they died the most horrible death any human can ever die, death from the place of glory and abundance, sweet fellowship with the LORD God to the place of Sin, pain in childbirth, suffering, toiling, thorns and thistles, one child killing the other because of jealousy.
1. Their nakedness died.
2. Being open and vulnerable with one another without fear that one will take advantage of the other partner’s vulnerability to disrespect or mistreat the other died.
3. Their lovely home which was once filled with laughter and joy died.
The beautiful couple who basked in each other’s nakedness began to sew fig leaves to cover themselves which won’t even cover them because it’s bound to dry up and break so they are back to being naked again.
Oh, what a tragedy!
Because of the “ Third Voice ’’, who was not countered with the valid word of God.
In every marital conflict, if you look closely and listen attentively you will hear the “ Third Voice” who is responsible for these conflicts.
This third voice has only one mission in the life of the couple, which is to;
“ Steal, kill and destroy ’’ their home and relationship with one another,
Their fellowship with the LORD God,
And as well chase them out of their place of ease and abundance where all their needs have been provided for, the garden of Eden just as the LORD God sent Adam and his wife out of the garden of Eden when they fell for the deceit of the Serpentine third voice.
The third voice disguises itself as a friend, who is watching out for them and exposing them to new knowledge and information that their spouse has hidden from them.
At first glance, this seems to be the truth, but on further probing, one will realize, that this third voice the Serpent, never really has their interest at heart when he or she gives them that innocent counsel as it were.
In the days of Adam and his wife, the Serpent came physically in its true form as a Serpent.
Today, the Serpent who is a master in the art of deception and disguise like the Chameleon that he is, no longer appear as a physical Serpent to raise havoc on marital relationships and homes.
It does not come in the form of a literal Serpent, but a metaphoric one.
The third voice could come in the guise of ;
A counsel or advice from their ;
Father, Mother, Uncle, Auntie, Brother, Sister, Friends, Pastor, Imam, Alfa, Mentor or Social Media handles they follow, in the guise of opening their eyes to hidden Information about their spouse, watching out for and protecting them from the man or woman whom they are married to.
For Example :
As the ” Man” of the house who is intentional about your wife’s emotional needs, you show your love to her through various acts of service like carrying her bag when you go for outings, washing her soaked underwear, following her to the salon and seating with her while she gets her hair fixed, dropping her at the office, celebrating her career wins.
These little acts of showing love to her make your home peaceful and keep your love fresh.
The third voice in the guise of watching out for you, counsels and advises you to stop doing these things, makes you look like a weak man, and your wife lazy and leads to her disrespecting you.
How a real man does not let his wife control him, how a real man is the master of the house and his wife the servant, who is designated to do house chores and cleaning.
Calls you “Woman wrapper ’’ for your public display of affection for your wife by helping her carry her bag, or carrying your child when you go for an outing while she walks side by side with you.
You think that surely he or she is watching out for you.
As Adam did during his own time, you kept silent, you did not counter such counsel or advice with the word of God that commands you in Ephesians 5:25 to love your wife like Christ loves the Church. And one of the ways Christ loves the Church is through acts of service, which includes giving his life for her.
The third voice will not tell you that Jesus Christ while he was here on earth, cooked. He cooked for His disciples John 21:1-17.
Jesus Christ served rather than been served, by washing the feet of His disciples. As their leader, he led by example, just as you should as the man and leader in your home.
Woman :
The third voice counsels and advise and tell you that; as a woman, it’s not your responsibility to be the one working and providing for the home while your husband sits at home doing nothing but driving your car with different women and watching Television all day.
It tells you to stop indulging him, that’s why he is lazy, and you should stop respecting his authority in your home. As a matter of fact, you should go ahead and have yourself a real man who will treat you right and take care of your needs.
You think that surely he or she is watching out for you, and immediately start putting their venomous lies and deceit into action but deep down in your heart, you know that your husband is not just sitting idle all day watching the Television nor is he driving your car around with different women because he, helps you with house chores and laundry while you are at work, school run, dropping and picking up the children from school, make lunch and help them with their homework, cooks dinner and help to tuck the children to bed.
Wait up to draw your water to bath and hear about how your day at work went.
The Serpent, the third voice will never point out all these to you.
It will only point you to the fact that he is not giving you money and taking you shopping as your friend’s husband does.
Woman, you are to counter the third voice with the Word of God in Genesis 2:18, where the LORD God said, “ It is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him a helper who is right for him.”
Tell the third voice that you are the helper of your husband for his life and purpose, and this includes his financial life. Yes, he is out of a paid job for now, but there are other areas he is standing in the gap for you and your children so you are not doing anything outside your Job Description as a helper in his life now if you are the one with a paid job taking care of the financial needs of the family.
The above examples should ideally be what should happen in a marital relationship when the third voice comes to spit Its venom.
But this is not so because, most times rather than address this “Third Voice” that has crept in subtly into their homes and is tearing them and their home apart, the couples face each other, tearing each other apart whilst the enemy dwells in their midst growing stronger causing more harm and havoc.
- Lack of good communication between husband and wife,
- Miscommunication between husband and wife,
- Distorted communication between husband and wife,
These are the tools always used by the third voice to fight and destroy homes and marital relationships today.
In Genesis3:14 when the LORD God in the cool of the evening visited Adam and his wife for their fellowship time as His manner was, and did not find them at their usual designated venue but in hiding, because of the deceit of the Serpentine third voice, He did not start His judgement with Adam nor his wife.
The LORD God started the judgement with the Serpent.
Why did the LORD God not start His judgement with the woman who ate the fruit and gave it to her husband with her? Or the husband who did not counter the lies of the Serpent with the true Word of God?
I want to believe the LORD God started with the Serpent when passing His judgement because it was the Serpent’s voice that destroyed and misled the woman and her husband.
It was important He cursed the Serpent (enemy) first, before facing His children.
Beloved married couples, and dating or courting to marry couples, whenever there is a conflict between you and your spouse, It’s very important that you curse the Serpentine third voice, the enemy who has come in to destroy your relationship and home first, before facing each other to address the weak link which gave room for the third voice to find expression in your marital or courting relationship.
Failure to do this, you might end up tearing each other apart, while the enemy remains in your midst moving freely and causing more havoc and damage if care is not taken before you realize and find out Its true motive, your home and relationship will be left desolate and in ruins.
How To Overcome The Third Voice
The Serpent is never a restful being. The Scripture tells us to be vigilant of him.
1 Peter 5:8 say;
“ Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy the devil, He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.”
He is always patrolling the Earth, looking for whom to deceive and destroy as he did to the first man, Adam.
However, as cunning, deceitful subtle and crafty as the Serpent is, there is one, who caught him in its craftiness, that his hand could not carry out Its enterprise.
Who is this one whom I speak of?
He is no other than Jesus Christ, the second Adam, who came here on Earth, just like the first Adam and was tempted by the Serpent after He fasted for 40 days and 40 nights.
The second man Jesus Christ overcame the serpent, bruised his head, and made a public show and disgrace of him.
How was He able to do this?
By overcoming the Serpent with the true Word and Instruction of the LORD God, which was what the first man failed to do in the Garden of Eden.
Every lies the third voice said, which had the similitude of the Word of God but is not, Jesus Christ countered with the true Word. You will find these victories in Matthew (4:1-11), Luke (4:1-15)
This is the weapon Jesus Christ used to overcome the Serpent. In the end, he left with Its tail tucked in between its leg.
Beloved the weapon Jesus Christ used to overcome the Serpent is the same weapon we are to use to overcome him in our life and marital relationships.
As God’s children, the ONLY way to overcome the Serpentine third voice and his lies coated with few of God’s Word to make it seem like the Word of God, is by countering them with the Original Word of God.
This original Word of God is contained in the Holy Bible, the Word of God which was written by Men as inspired by the Holy Spirit.
In the Scripture is all the counsel and advice we need to make our marriage work.
It contains the responsibilities of;
- The husband,
- The wife,
- The children
The reason why just like in the case of Adam and his wife many marriages and homes are under the control and siege of the Serpentine third voice is that many of them like Eve do not have accurate knowledge of the Word of the LORD God.
They pattern their marriage and relationships according to different patterns; both that of their parents or celebrities on social media, but not according to the original pattern which the LORD God instructed us to pattern our marriages after, which is the “Marriage of Jesus Christ and His Bride the Church.”
To the husbands, God said in Ephesians 5,
“Husbands love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her …”
To the wives He said,
“Wives, submit yourselves to your own husband as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church.”
Why are the husband and wife to love and submit to one another as Christ and the Church?
Because Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith as the Scripture tells us in Hebrews 12:2 and His marriage with His Bride, is the ONLY marriage the LORD God instructed that we emulate and pattern ours after.
Jesus Christ is the ONLY one who overcame the Serpentine third voice.
As we obey God’s instruction, and always counter the third voice with the true Word of God, I pray that our marriages will be a “ Safe Haven ’’ in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.
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God Bless You