Does God Support Abuse of Any Kind in Marriage?
Marriage is a sacred union between two people, a man and a woman. And it’s no secret that religion plays a significant role in shaping people’s views on marriage.
This is why some Christians believe that divorce is not an option and that a marriage should be preserved at all costs because in the Scripture it is written “ God hates divorce.”
The Bible And Marriage
As Christians and believers of Jesus Christ, the Bible is our manual for living and our guide in knowing what God’s view and principles are in the marital relationship between a man and woman.
It emphasizes the sanctity of marriage and the importance of love, respect, and mutual submission between partners.
While the Bible emphasizes the sanctity of marriage, it does not condone abuse. In fact, it teaches that husbands should love their wives as Christ loved the church and that wives should submit to their husbands as to the Lord.
This means that a Christian husband should never use his authority to control or harm his wife.
The question arises: Does God support abuse of any kind in marriage? Let’s explore this topic in-depth.
Before we answer this question, let us first define what abuse is.
What Is Abuse?
Abuse is any behaviour that is used to control, intimidate, or harm another person. This can come in many forms, including physical, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse.
It refers to any form of behaviour or action by one spouse that is intended to dominate, intimidate or injure the other spouse physically, psychologically and emotionally.
This includes physical violence, sexual assault, verbal insults, financial control and isolation from friends and family.
The answer is NO. God does not support any kind of abuse, be it physical, emotional, sexual, or financial.
The Bible teaches that husbands should love their wives as Christ loved the Church, and wives should submit to their husbands as to the Lord.
God does not support abuse of any kind in marriage.
Abuse not only harms the victim, but it also goes against God’s plan for healthy relationships.
It’s a sin before God.
A Christian husband should never use his authority to control or harm his wife.
Similarly, a Christian wife should never tolerate or enable abusive behaviour from her husband.
Neither should either of them abuse the other.
When that sacred bond that is meant to love and protect becomes a source of pain and suffering, then it is time to re-evaluate the said bond.
Reach out for help and support. Talk to a trusted friend, family member, or a professional counsellor or therapist who can offer you emotional support and help you develop a safety plan.
No Christian man or woman should be in an abusive relationship or marriage.
Although it may be difficult to leave an abusive partner. However, it’s important to remember that God values your safety and well-being.
No one deserves to be mistreated and abused.
Don’t stay in an abusive, unhappy, relationship because of pity.
You will lose your esteem and your mental health will suffer damages which can lead to a lifetime of taking prescribed medications to live and survive.
Yes the LORD God hates divorce, but He hates abuse and maltreatment of one’s spouse more.
Abuse of any kind is never acceptable. You deserve to be loved, respected, and cherished.
God Bless You.
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